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unitmod_vars.h File Reference

Header file for global spatial variables for the ecological Unit Model. More...

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float * TP_settlDays
float * FLOC
float * FLOC_DEPO
float * Floc_fr_phBio
float * FLOC_Z
float * FlocP
float * FlocP_DECOMP
float * FlocP_DEPO
float * FlocP_FR_ALGAE
double * FlocP_OM
float * FlocP_OMrep
float * FlocP_PhBio
float * soil_MOIST_CF
float * TP_SED_MINER
float * AIR_TEMP
float * boundcond_depth
float * boundcond_ETp
float * boundcond_rain
double * DINdummy
float * FIREdummy
unsigned char * HAB
float * SOLRAD274
float * H2O_TEMP
float * HYD_ET
float * HYD_TRANSP
float * HydTotHd
float * HydRelDepPosNeg
float * LAI_eff
float * SAT_VS_UNSAT
float * SAT_WATER
float * SAT_WT_HEAD
float * SAT_WT_RECHG
float * SF_WT_EVAP
float * SF_WT_POT_INF
float * SF_WT_VEL_mag
float * BCmodel_sfwat
float * SFWT_VOL
float * UNSAT_CAP
float * UNSAT_PERC
float * UNSAT_WT_POT
int * basn
float * Bathymetry
int * BCondFlow
float * BulkD
float * DIM
float * DOM_BD
float * Inorg_Z
unsigned char * ON_MAP
float * SED_INACT_Z
float * WQMsettlVel
float * MAC_HEIGHT
float * MAC_LAI
float * MAC_LIGHT_CF
float * MAC_MAX_BIO
double * mac_nph_CtoOM
double * mac_nph_OM
double * mac_nph_P
double * mac_nph_PC
float * mac_nph_PC_rep
float * MAC_NUT_CF
double * mac_ph_CtoOM
double * mac_ph_OM
double * mac_ph_P
double * mac_ph_PC
float * mac_ph_PC_rep
float * MAC_PROD_CF
float * MAC_REL_BIOM
float * MAC_SALT_CF
float * MAC_TEMP_CF
float * MAC_TOT_BIOM
float * MAC_WATER_CF
double * nphbio_mort_OM
double * nphbio_mort_P
float * NPHBIO_SAT
double * nphbio_transl_OM
double * nphbio_transl_P
float * PHBIO_MORT
double * phbio_mort_OM
double * phbio_mort_P
float * PHBIO_NPP
double * phbio_npp_OM
double * phbio_npp_P
float * PHBIO_SAT
double * phbio_transl_OM
double * phbio_transl_P
float * ALG_LIGHT_CF
float * ALG_REFUGE
float * ALG_SAT
float * ALG_TEMP_CF
float * ALG_TOT
float * ALG_WAT_CF
float * C_ALG
float * C_ALG_GPP
float * C_ALG_GPP_P
float * C_ALG_MORT
float * C_ALG_MORT_P
float * C_ALG_MORT_POT
float * C_ALG_NPP
float * C_ALG_NUT_CF
float * C_ALG_P
double * C_ALG_PC
float * C_ALG_PCrep
float * C_ALG_PROD_CF
float * C_ALG_RESP
float * C_ALG_RESP_POT
float * NC_ALG
float * NC_ALG_GPP
float * NC_ALG_GPP_P
float * NC_ALG_MORT
float * NC_ALG_MORT_P
float * NC_ALG_NPP
float * NC_ALG_NUT_CF
float * NC_ALG_P
double * NC_ALG_PC
float * NC_ALG_PCrep
float * NC_ALG_PROD_CF
float * NC_ALG_RESP
double * TP_Act_to_Tot
float * TP_Act_to_TotRep
float * TP_DNFLOW
float * TP_Atm_Depos
float * TP_K
double * TP_SED_CONC
double * TP_SED_WT
double * TP_SED_WT_AZ
float * TP_settl
double * TP_SF_WT
double * TP_SFWT_CONC
double * TP_SORB
float * TP_SORB_POT
double * TP_SORBCONC
float * TP_SORBCONC_rep
float * TP_UPFLOW
float * TP_AtmosDepos
double * SAL_SED_WT
float * SAL_SF_WT
double * SAL_SF_WT_mb
double * SALT_SED_WT
double * SALT_SURF_WT
float * SALT_Atm_Depos
float * SALT_AtmosDepos
double * DEPOS_ORG_MAT
float * DOM_DECOMP
float * DOM_FR_FLOC
float * DOM_fr_nphBio
double * DOM_P_OM
float * DOM_TEMP_CF
float * DOM_Z
double * DOP
float * DOP_DECOMP
float * DOP_FLOC
float * DOP_nphBio
float * P_SUM_CELL
float * SED_ELEV
float * TPtoSOIL
float * TPtoSOIL_rep
float * TPtoVOL
float * TPtoVOL_rep

Detailed Description

Header file for global spatial variables for the ecological Unit Model.

This declares spatial variables that are global to Unit_Mod.c.

Note: documented with Doxygen, which expects specific syntax within special comments.

The Everglades Landscape Model (ELM).
last updated: June 2008

Definition in file unitmod_vars.h.

Variable Documentation

float* TP_settlDays

This header file is generated from the "ModelOutlist_creator_v?.xls" OpenOffice workbook. Editing this .h header source directly is not recommended w/o changing ModelOutlist_creator.
To add/remove a spatial variable to/from the model:
1) Enter/delete the variable documentation in ModelOutlist_creator_v?.xls;
2) Add/remove the 2 lines of code in the alloc_memory function of UnitMod.c;
3) If you want it to be available for output, indicate so in ModelOutlist_creator, and add/remove the line of code in the gen_output function of Unit_Mod.c;
4) Export (cut&paste) the contents of this page into unitmod_vars.h;
5) Use/delete the variable in the code equations! _Units_: d; _Brief_: EWQM: cumulative days in which water depth is great enough for settling to occur (ESP mode of EWQM emulation ONLY)

Definition at line 35 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn13(), and gen_output().

float* FLOC

_Units_: kgOM/m^2; _Brief_: FLOCculent organic matter at the interface between soil and surface water

Definition at line 38 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: kgOM/m^2/d; _Brief_: FLOCculent organic matter - DECOMPosition losses

Definition at line 39 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: kgOM/m^2/d; _Brief_: FLOCculent organic matter -DECOMPosition POTential losses

Definition at line 40 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: FLOCculent organic matter - DECOMPosition Control Function (0-1) of degree of nutrient QUALity limitation

Definition at line 41 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* FLOC_DEPO

_Units_: kgOM/m^2/d; _Brief_: FLOCculent organic matter - DEPosition losses

Definition at line 42 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn4(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: kgOM/m^2/d; _Brief_: FLOCculent organic matter - DEPosition POTential losses

Definition at line 43 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: kgOM/m^2/d; _Brief_: FLOCculent organic matter gained FRom mortality of periphyton (generalized, ALGAE)

Definition at line 44 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), and gen_output().

float* Floc_fr_phBio

_Units_: kgOM/m^2/d; _Brief_: FLOCculent organic matter gained from mortality of photosynthetic Biomass of macrophytes

Definition at line 45 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), and CellAvg().

float* FLOC_Z

_Units_: m; _Brief_: FLOCculent organic matter depth at the interface between soil and surface water

Definition at line 47 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* FlocP

_Units_: kgP/m^2; _Brief_: Phosphorus in the FLOCculent organic matter at the interface between soil and surface water

Definition at line 48 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn4(), and init_eqns().

float* FlocP_DECOMP

_Units_: kgP/m^2/d; _Brief_: Phosphorus in the FLOCculent organic matter - DECOMPosition losses

Definition at line 49 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), and cell_dyn12().

float* FlocP_DEPO

_Units_: kgP/m^2/d; _Brief_: Phosphorus in the FLOCculent organic matter - DEPosition losses

Definition at line 51 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), and cell_dyn4().

_Units_: kgP/m^2/d; _Brief_: Phosphorus in the FLOCculent organic matter gained from FRom mortality of periphyton (generalized, ALGAE)

Definition at line 53 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), and cell_dyn12().

double* FlocP_OM

_Units_: kgP/kgOM; _Brief_: Phosphorus concentration in the Flocculent Organic Matter

Definition at line 54 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), and cell_dyn12().

float* FlocP_OMrep

_Units_: mgP/kgOM; _Brief_: Phosphorus concentration of the Flocculent Organic Matter (units converted to this for reporting purposes)

Definition at line 55 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), and gen_output().

float* FlocP_PhBio

_Units_: kgP/m^2/d; _Brief_: Phosphorus in the FLOCculent organic matter gained from mortality of photosynthetic Biomass of macrophytes

Definition at line 56 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), and cell_dyn12().

float* soil_MOIST_CF

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: soil Control Function of degree of MOISTure limitation

Definition at line 58 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn4(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: kgP/d; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus gained in SEDiment/soil water due to floc MINERalization

Definition at line 59 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn12(), CellAvg(), and gen_output().


_Units_: kgP/d; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus gained in SurFace WaTer due to floc MINERalization

Definition at line 60 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn12(), CellAvg(), and gen_output().

float* AIR_TEMP

_Units_: deg C; _Brief_: Air temperature, daily average at ground level

Definition at line 68 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: m; _Brief_: External boundary condition input, ponded water depth

Definition at line 69 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn1(), flowCalc_CanCel(), flowCalc_CelCan(), Flux_GWcells(), Flux_SWcells(), and init_eqns().

float* boundcond_ETp

_Units_: tenths of mm/d; _Brief_: External boundary condition input, potential EvapoTranspiration

Definition at line 70 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn1(), cell_dyn7(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: tenths of mm/d; _Brief_: External boundary condition input, rainfall

Definition at line 71 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn1(), cell_dyn7(), and init_eqns().

double* DINdummy

_Units_: NA; _Brief_: UNUSED in calculations; placeholder for function arguements

Definition at line 72 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), and horizFlow().

float* FIREdummy

_Units_: NA; _Brief_: UNUSED in calculations; placeholder for function arguements

Definition at line 73 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), and cell_dyn1().

unsigned char* HAB

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: Habitat, or vegetation community type (integer attribute, defining database parameter lookups)

Definition at line 74 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn1(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn2(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn7(), cell_dyn8(), flowCalc_CanCan(), flowCalc_CanCel(), flowCalc_CelCan(), Flux_GWcells(), FluxChannel(), gen_output(), init_dynam_data(), and init_eqns().

float* SOLRAD274

_Units_: cal/cm^2/d; _Brief_: Incomping solar radiation received at altitude of 274m in atmosphere (v2.2, no longer used in calc potential ET)

Definition at line 75 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: cal/cm^2/d; _Brief_: Incomping solar radiation received at ground surface, attenuated through atmosphere (v2.2, no longer used in calc potential ET)

Definition at line 76 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), cell_dyn7(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* H2O_TEMP

_Units_: deg C; _Brief_: Temperature of ponded surface water, daily average (=AIR_TEMP in v2.1)

Definition at line 85 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn7(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: Logical flag (true or false) denoting PRESence of WATer in the DOM_ACTive zone depth (DOM_MAXDEPTH)

Definition at line 86 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn7(), cell_dyn8(), cell_dyn9(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: m^3; _Brief_: HYDrologic, water VOLume storage in the DOM_ACTive zone depth (DOM_MAXDEPTH)

Definition at line 87 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn7(), cell_dyn8(), cell_dyn9(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* HYD_ET

_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: actual total Evaporation plus Transpiration (ET) from all storages (reporting purposes only)

Definition at line 88 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), CellAvg(), and gen_output().


_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: HYDrologic, total potential EVAPotranspiration (was calculated variable in v2.1, now data input)

Definition at line 89 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), and gen_output().

_Units_: d per m^0.333; _Brief_: HYDrologic, calculated MANNING'S N surface roughness, (based on empirically-derived surface roughness coeficient)

Definition at line 90 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), horizFlow(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: HYDrologic, POTential TRANSpiration loss from SATurated water storage

Definition at line 91 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), and gen_output().

_Units_: m^3; _Brief_: HYDrologic, WATer VOLume stored in soil/SEDiment storage

Definition at line 92 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn10(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn7(), cell_dyn8(), cell_dyn9(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: HYDrologic, total POTential TRANSpiration loss (from saturated and unsaturated water storages)

Definition at line 93 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), and gen_output().


_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: HYDrologic, sum of actual TRANSPiration loss from saturated and unsaturated water storages (reporting purposes only)

Definition at line 94 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), CellAvg(), and gen_output().

_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: HYDrologic, POTential TRANSpiration loss from UNSATurated water storage

Definition at line 95 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), and gen_output().

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: HYDrologic, control function (0-1) of proportion of WATer in upper soil profile that is AVAILable for plant uptake, including unsaturated and (capillary) saturated withdrawals

Definition at line 96 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* HydTotHd

_Units_: m; _Brief_: Hydrologic, Total hydraulic Head (or stage), not used in calculations, only for reporting purposes

Definition at line 97 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn1(), cell_dyn7(), CellAvg(), and gen_output().

_Units_: m; _Brief_: Hydrologic, Relative Depth of water (w/ respect to land elevation), Positive or Negative (= stage minus land elevation; not used in calculations, only for reporting purposes)

Definition at line 98 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn1(), cell_dyn7(), CellAvg(), and gen_output().

float* LAI_eff

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: effective LAI estimates leaf area index that is above ponded surface water

Definition at line 99 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: empirical data as a (0-1) control function, the proportion (Y) of water available to plants as a function of proportion (0-1) of water available in upper soil profile (X, HYD_WATER_AVAIL)

Definition at line 100 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: Effectively unused as recharge rate should be parameterized as 0: SATurated TO UNSATurated FLow with lowering water table due to recharge loss ONLY

Definition at line 101 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), and gen_output().


_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: control function (0-1), determining relative magnitude of potential surface- to SATurated VS UNSATurated storage flow, having effects under conditions of extremely shallow ponded depths

Definition at line 102 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* SAT_WATER

_Units_: m; _Brief_: height of the SATurated WATER storage volume (excluding soil/sediment volume)

Definition at line 103 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn1(), cell_dyn7(), gen_output(), horizFlow(), and init_eqns().

float* SAT_WT_HEAD

_Units_: m; _Brief_: SATurated WaTer hydraulic HEAD (does not include any overlying surface water)

Definition at line 104 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn1(), cell_dyn7(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: Effectively unused as recharge rate should be parameterized as 0: SATurated WaTer RECHarGe loss to deep aquifer

Definition at line 105 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn7(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: actual TRANSPiration loss from SATurated WaTer storage

Definition at line 106 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn7(), and gen_output().

float* SF_WT_EVAP

_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: actual EVAPoration loss from SurFace WaTer storage

Definition at line 108 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn7(), CellAvg(), and gen_output().

_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: RAINfall gain to the SurFace WaTer storage

Definition at line 109 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn10(), cell_dyn13(), cell_dyn7(), cell_dyn9(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: SurFace WaTer loss due to INFILTRATION into the unsaturated storage zone

Definition at line 110 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn10(), cell_dyn7(), cell_dyn9(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* SF_WT_POT_INF

_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: SurFace WaTer POTential loss due to INFiltration into the unsaturated storage zone

Definition at line 111 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: SurFace WaTer DOWNFLOW TO SATurated storage

Definition at line 112 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn10(), cell_dyn7(), cell_dyn9(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* SF_WT_VEL_mag

_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: SUrface WaTer, VELocity of net daily horizontal advection (all directions), magnitude-only

Definition at line 113 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRstats_sum(), CellAvg(), flowCalc_CelCel(), gen_output(), and horizFlow().

float* BCmodel_sfwat

_Units_: m; _Brief_: BoundaryCondition model's (e.g., the SFWMM) surface water depth, positive values only (above land surface), used only for output purposes (not used in any calculation)

Definition at line 114 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn1(), CellAvg(), and gen_output().

float* SFWT_VOL

_Units_: m^3; _Brief_: SurFace WaTer storage VOLume

Definition at line 115 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn10(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn13(), cell_dyn2(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn7(), cell_dyn9(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: m; _Brief_: height of the SurFace WaTer storage VOLume

Definition at line 116 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), BIRstats_sum(), cell_dyn1(), cell_dyn10(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn13(), cell_dyn2(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn7(), cell_dyn8(), cell_dyn9(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), horizFlow(), init_dynam_data(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: proportion (0-1) of UNSATurated water storage in pore space that is AVAILable for gravitational flow (above field capacity)

Definition at line 117 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), and gen_output().

float* UNSAT_CAP

_Units_: m; _Brief_: potential total storage CAPacity (pore space) in the height of the current UNSATurated zone

Definition at line 118 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: m; _Brief_: DEPTH (height) of the UNSATurated zone (including pore space)

Definition at line 119 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRstats_sum(), cell_dyn1(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn2(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn7(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), init_dynam_data(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: empirical data as a control function (0-1), the proportion (Y) of maximum vertical water infiltration rate through soil as a function of soil moisture proportion (0-1) (X, UNSAT_MOIST_PRP)

Definition at line 120 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), and gen_output().

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: MOISTure PRoPortion (0-1) in UNSATurated storage

Definition at line 121 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRstats_sum(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn7(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: potential PERColation loss from UNSATurated storage to saturated storage

Definition at line 122 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), and gen_output().

_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: PERColation loss from UNSATurated storage to saturated storage

Definition at line 123 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), and gen_output().


_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: actual TRANSPiration loss from UNSATurated water storage

Definition at line 124 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn7(), and gen_output().


_Units_: m; _Brief_: height of the UNSATurated WATER storage volume (excluding soil/sediment volume)

Definition at line 125 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn1(), cell_dyn7(), gen_output(), horizFlow(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: m; _Brief_: UNSATurated WaTer storage POTential storage that is not filled (<= UNSAT_CAP)

Definition at line 126 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

int* basn

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: Map array defining hydrologic basins and Indicator Regions

Definition at line 136 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_mem_stats(), alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), BIRinit(), BIRstats_sum(), flowCalc_CanCel(), flowData_CanCan(), flowData_CanCel(), flowData_CelCan(), flowData_CelCel(), Flux_GWcells(), Flux_SWstuff(), FluxChannel(), and init_static_data().

float* Bathymetry

_Units_: m; _Brief_: Bathymetry (positive depth) relative to zero of vertical datum used in land elevation surveys (i.e., positive depth below 0 NGVD29 or NAVD88)

Definition at line 137 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), init_dynam_data(), and init_eqns().

int* BCondFlow

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: Map array defining boundary condition flow allowances

Definition at line 138 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), Flux_GWater(), Flux_GWcells(), Flux_SWater(), Flux_SWcells(), and init_static_data().

float* BulkD

_Units_: kgSoil/m^3soil; _Brief_: Bulk Density of soil

Definition at line 139 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), init_dynam_data(), and init_eqns().

float* DIM

_Units_: kgIOM/m^2; _Brief_: Deposited Inorganic Matter mass in upper soil zone (inorganic component only)

Definition at line 140 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn9(), and init_eqns().

float* DOM_BD

_Units_: kgOM/m^3soil; _Brief_: Bulk Density of (only) the Deposited Organic Matter component of the soil

Definition at line 141 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn4(), init_dynam_data(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: m; _Brief_: Initial land surface ELEVATION relative to zero of vertical datum used in land elevation surveys (i.e., positive above 0 NGVD29 or NAVD88)

Definition at line 142 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), gen_output(), init_dynam_data(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: HYDraulic CONDUCTivity Rate Constant of surficial aquifer

Definition at line 143 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), gen_output(), horizFlow(), init_dynam_data(), and init_eqns().

float* Inorg_Z

_Units_: m; _Brief_: deposited Inorganic matter in upper soil zone mass converted to depth (Z) (inorganic component only, accounting for bulk density)

Definition at line 145 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn4(), and init_eqns().

unsigned char* ON_MAP

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: Map array (unsigned char) integer defining active grid cells of the model domain, and flow interaction attributes with levee presence

Definition at line 146 of file unitmod_vars.h.

float* SED_INACT_Z

_Units_: m; _Brief_: SEDiment/soil INACTive Zone height (=distance below DOM_MAXDEPTH parameter)

Definition at line 147 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn4(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* WQMsettlVel

_Units_: m/d; _Brief_: EWQM: Map array defining basin-based settling rates for Everglades Water Quality Model emulation (cell_dyn13) ONLY

Definition at line 148 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn13(), and init_static_data().


_Units_: m; _Brief_: HEIGHT of MACrophytes above ground surface

Definition at line 157 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* MAC_LAI

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: MACrophyte Leaf Area Index of the proportion of leaf surface area to ground surface area

Definition at line 158 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), cell_dyn7(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: MACrophyte growth Control Function (0-1) of degree of LIGHT limitation

Definition at line 159 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* MAC_MAX_BIO

_Units_: kgC/m^2; _Brief_: MACrophytes MAXimum attainable BIOmass (sum of two parameters)

Definition at line 160 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: kgC/m^2; _Brief_: MACrophytes live NOn-PHotosynthetic tissue (carbon) BIOMASs

Definition at line 161 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

double* mac_nph_CtoOM

_Units_: ; _Brief_:

Definition at line 162 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), and init_eqns().

double* mac_nph_OM

_Units_: kgOM/m^2; _Brief_: macophytes live non-photosynthetic tissue (Organic Matter) biomass (bookeeping, only used for mass balance when cell changes habitats)

Definition at line 163 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), and init_eqns().

double* mac_nph_P

_Units_: kgP/m^2; _Brief_: macophytes live non-photosynthetic tissue (Phosphorus) biomass

Definition at line 164 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn8(), and init_eqns().

double* mac_nph_PC

_Units_: kgP/kgC; _Brief_: macrophyte nonphotosynthetic tissus Phosphorus to Carbon concentration

Definition at line 165 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: mgP/kgC; _Brief_: macrophyte nonphotosynthetic tissus Phosphorus to Carbon concentration (units converted for reporting purposes)

Definition at line 166 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), CellAvg(), and gen_output().

float* MAC_NUT_CF

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: MACrophyte growth Control Function (0-1) of degree of NUTrient limitation

Definition at line 167 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: kgC/m^2; _Brief_: MACrophytes live PHotosynthetic tissue (carbon) BIOMASs

Definition at line 168 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

double* mac_ph_CtoOM

_Units_: kgC/kgOM; _Brief_: macrophyte nonphotosynthetic tissus Carbon to Organic Matter concentration

Definition at line 169 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), and init_eqns().

double* mac_ph_OM

_Units_: kgOM/m^2; _Brief_: macophytes live photosynthetic tissue (Organic Matter) biomass (bookeeping, only used for mass balance when cell changes habitats)

Definition at line 170 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), and init_eqns().

double* mac_ph_P

_Units_: kgP/m^2; _Brief_: macophytes live photosynthetic tissue (Phosphorus) biomass

Definition at line 171 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn8(), and init_eqns().

double* mac_ph_PC

_Units_: kgP/kgC; _Brief_: macrophyte photosynthetic tissus Phosphorus to Carbon concentration

Definition at line 172 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), and init_eqns().

float* mac_ph_PC_rep

_Units_: mgP/kgC; _Brief_: macrophyte photosynthetic tissus Phosphorus to Carbon concentration (units converted for reporting purposes)

Definition at line 173 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), CellAvg(), and gen_output().

float* MAC_PROD_CF

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: MACrophyte growth Control Function (0-1) of degree of combined limitations on net carbon primary PRODuction

Definition at line 174 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: proportion of MACrophyte BIOMass RELative to its maximum attainable

Definition at line 175 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn7(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* MAC_SALT_CF

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: MACrophyte growth Control Function (0-1) of degree of SALT constraint; inoperative in v2.2, hardwired=1.0

Definition at line 176 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* MAC_TEMP_CF

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: MACrophyte growth Control Function (0-1) of degree of TEMPerature limitation

Definition at line 177 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: kgC/m^2; _Brief_: MACrophytes live TOTal tissue BIOMASs

Definition at line 178 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRstats_sum(), cell_dyn8(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), init_dynam_data(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: MACrophytes growth Control Function (0-1) of degree of WATer limitation

Definition at line 179 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: kgC/m^2; _Brief_: NonPHototsynthetic macrophyte BIOmass AVAILable for losses via mortality and translocation

Definition at line 180 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: kgC/m^2/d; _Brief_: NonPHototsynthetic macrophyte BIOmass MORTality losses

Definition at line 181 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

double* nphbio_mort_OM

_Units_: kgOM/m^2/d; _Brief_: nonphototsynthetic macrophyte Organic Matter mortality losses

Definition at line 182 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn8(), and init_eqns().

double* nphbio_mort_P

_Units_: kgP/m^2/d; _Brief_: nonphototsynthetic macrophyte Phosphorus mortality losses

Definition at line 183 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn8(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: kgC/m^2/d; _Brief_: NonPHototsynthetic macrophyte macrophyte BIOmass MORTality POTential losses

Definition at line 184 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: kgC/m^2; _Brief_: NonPHototsynthetic macrophyte BIOmass REFUGE density (from losses)

Definition at line 185 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: kgC/m^2; _Brief_: NonPHotosynthetic macrophyte BIOmass SATuration density (90% of the maximum attainable)

Definition at line 186 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: kgOM/m^2/d; _Brief_: nonphotosynthetic macrophyte Organic Matter translocation gain from photosynthetic biomass

Definition at line 187 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), and init_eqns().

double* nphbio_transl_P

_Units_: kgP/m^2/d; _Brief_: nonphotosynthetic macrophyte Phosphorus translocation gain from photosynthetic biomass

Definition at line 188 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: kgC/m^2/d; _Brief_: NonPHotosynthetic macrophyte biomass TRANSLOCation gain from photosynthetic biomass

Definition at line 189 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: kgC/m^2/d; _Brief_: NonPHotosynthetic macrophyte biomass TRANSLOCation POTential gain from photosynthetic biomass

Definition at line 190 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: kgC/m^2; _Brief_: PHototsynthetic macrophyte BIOmass AVAILable for losses via mortality and translocation

Definition at line 191 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: kgC/m^2/d; _Brief_: PHototsynthetic macrophyte BIOmass MORTality losses

Definition at line 192 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

double* phbio_mort_OM

_Units_: kgOM/m^2/d; _Brief_: phototsynthetic macrophyte Organic Matter mortality losses

Definition at line 193 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn8(), and init_eqns().

double* phbio_mort_P

_Units_: kgP/m^2/d; _Brief_: phototsynthetic macrophyte Phosphorus mortality losses

Definition at line 194 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn8(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: kgC/m^2/d; _Brief_: PHototsynthetic macrophyte macrophyte BIOmass MORTality POTential losses

Definition at line 195 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* PHBIO_NPP

_Units_: kgC/m^2/d; _Brief_: PHototsynthetic macrophyte BIOmass Net Primary Production growth gain

Definition at line 196 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

double* phbio_npp_OM

_Units_: kgOM/m^2/d; _Brief_: phototsynthetic macrophyte Organic Matter net primary production growth gain

Definition at line 197 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), and init_eqns().

double* phbio_npp_P

_Units_: kgP/m^2/d; _Brief_: phototsynthetic macrophyte Phosphorus net primary production growth gain

Definition at line 198 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn8(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: kgC/m^2; _Brief_: PHototsynthetic macrophyte BIOmass REFUGE density (from losses)

Definition at line 199 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* PHBIO_SAT

_Units_: kgC/m^2; _Brief_: PHotosynthetic macrophyte BIOmass SATuration density (90% of the maximum attainable)

Definition at line 200 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

double* phbio_transl_OM

_Units_: kgOM/m^2/d; _Brief_: photosynthetic macrophyte Organic Matter translocation gain from photosynthetic biomass

Definition at line 201 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), and init_eqns().

double* phbio_transl_P

_Units_: kgP/m^2/d; _Brief_: photosynthetic macrophyte Phosphorus translocation gain from photosynthetic biomass

Definition at line 202 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: kgC/m^2/d; _Brief_: PHotosynthetic macrophyte biomass TRANSLOCation gain from non-photosynthetic biomass

Definition at line 203 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: kgC/m^2/d; _Brief_: PHotosynthetic macrophyte biomass TRANSLOCation POTential gain from non-photosynthetic biomass

Definition at line 204 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn8(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: kgP/d; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus UPTAKE from SEDment/soil WaTer due to macrophyte net primary production

Definition at line 205 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn8(), CellAvg(), and gen_output().

_Units_: cal/cm^2/d; _Brief_: for ALGal growth, INCIDint LIGHT intensity reaching the water surface through macrophyte canopy

Definition at line 214 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: total periphyton (generalized, ALGae) growth Control Function (0-1) of degree of LIGHT limitation

Definition at line 215 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: for ALGal growth, LIGHT EXTINCTion through suspended particles etc in surface water column (STATIC, set= alg_light_ext_coef)

Definition at line 216 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: gC/m^2; _Brief_: total periphyton (generalized, ALGae) biomass REFUGE, below which resp/mortality losses do not occur (static, set= ALG_REF_MULT * ALG_MAX[habitat] parmameters)

Definition at line 217 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* ALG_SAT

_Units_: gC/m^2; _Brief_: Unused in calculations; potentially the saturation density of algae/periphyton

Definition at line 218 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* ALG_TEMP_CF

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: total periphyton (generalized, ALGae) growth Control Function (0-1) of degree of TEMPerature limitation

Definition at line 219 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* ALG_TOT

_Units_: gC/m^2; _Brief_: sum TOTal of eutrophic and oligotrophic periphyton (generalized, ALGae) biomass

Definition at line 220 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), CellAvg(), and gen_output().

float* ALG_WAT_CF

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: total periphyton (generalized, ALGae) growth Control Function (0-1) of degree of WATer limitation

Definition at line 221 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* C_ALG

_Units_: gC/m^2; _Brief_: oligotrophic periphyton (archaic, Calcareous, generalized, ALGae) biomass

Definition at line 222 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRstats_sum(), cell_dyn2(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: gC/m^2; _Brief_: oligotrophic periphyton (archaic, Calcareous, generalized, ALGae) biomass AVAILable for MORTality losses

Definition at line 223 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* C_ALG_GPP

_Units_: gC/m2/d; _Brief_: oligotrophic periphyton (archaic, Calcareous, generalized, ALGae) Gross Primary Production gains

Definition at line 224 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* C_ALG_GPP_P

_Units_: gP/m2/d; _Brief_: oligotrophic periphyton (archaic, Calcareous, generalized, ALGae) Gross Primary Production Phosphorus gains

Definition at line 225 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), and cell_dyn2().

float* C_ALG_MORT

_Units_: gC/m2/d; _Brief_: oligotrophic periphyton (archaic, Calcareous, generalized, ALGae) MORTality losses

Definition at line 226 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn2(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* C_ALG_MORT_P

_Units_: gP/m2/d; _Brief_: oligotrophic periphyton (archaic, Calcareous, generalized, ALGae) MORTality Phosphorus losses

Definition at line 227 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn12(), and cell_dyn2().

_Units_: gC/m2/d; _Brief_: oligotrophic periphyton (archaic, Calcareous, generalized, ALGae) MORTality POTential losses

Definition at line 228 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* C_ALG_NPP

_Units_: gC/m2/d; _Brief_: oligotrophic periphyton (archaic, Calcareous, generalized, ALGae) Net Primary Production gains

Definition at line 229 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* C_ALG_NUT_CF

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: oligotrophic periphyton (archaic, Calcareous, generalized, ALGae) growth Control Function (0-1) of degree of NUTrient limitation

Definition at line 230 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* C_ALG_P

_Units_: gP/m^2; _Brief_: oligotrophic periphyton (archaic, Calcareous, generalized, ALGae) phosphorus biomass

Definition at line 231 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn2(), cell_dyn4(), and init_eqns().

double* C_ALG_PC

_Units_: gP/gC; _Brief_: oligotrophic periphyton (archaic, Calcareous, generalized, ALGae) Phosphorus to Carbon concentration

Definition at line 232 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), and init_eqns().

float* C_ALG_PCrep

_Units_: mgP/kgC; _Brief_: oligotrophic periphyton (archaic, Calcareous, generalized, ALGae) Phosphorus to Carbon concentration (units converted for reporting purposes)

Definition at line 233 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), and CellAvg().

float* C_ALG_PROD_CF

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: oligotrophic periphyton (archaic, Calcareous, generalized, ALGae) growth Control Function (0-1) of degree of combined limitations on gross carbon primary PRODuction

Definition at line 234 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* C_ALG_RESP

_Units_: gC/m2/d; _Brief_: oligotrophic periphyton (archaic, Calcareous, generalized, ALGae) RESPiration losses

Definition at line 235 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: gC/m2/d; _Brief_: oligotrophic periphyton (archaic, Calcareous, generalized, ALGae) RESPiration POTential losses

Definition at line 236 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* NC_ALG

_Units_: gC/m^2; _Brief_: eutrophic periphyton (archaic, NonCalcareous, generalized, ALGae) biomass

Definition at line 237 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRstats_sum(), cell_dyn2(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: gC/m^2; _Brief_: eutrophic periphyton (archaic, NonCalcareous, generalized, ALGae) biomass AVAILable for MORTality losses

Definition at line 238 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* NC_ALG_GPP

_Units_: gC/m2/d; _Brief_: eutrophic periphyton (archaic, NonCalcareous, generalized, ALGae) Gross Primary Production gains

Definition at line 239 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* NC_ALG_GPP_P

_Units_: gP/m2/d; _Brief_: eutrophic periphyton (archaic, NonCalcareous, generalized, ALGae) Gross Primary Production Phosphorus gains

Definition at line 240 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), and cell_dyn2().

float* NC_ALG_MORT

_Units_: gC/m2/d; _Brief_: eutrophic periphyton (archaic, NonCalcareous, generalized, ALGae) MORTality losses

Definition at line 241 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn2(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* NC_ALG_MORT_P

_Units_: gP/m2/d; _Brief_: eutrophic periphyton (archaic, NonCalcareous, generalized, ALGae) MORTality Phosphorus losses

Definition at line 242 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn12(), and cell_dyn2().

_Units_: gC/m2/d; _Brief_: eutrophic periphyton (archaic, NonCalcareous, generalized, ALGae) MORTality POTential losses

Definition at line 243 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* NC_ALG_NPP

_Units_: gC/m2/d; _Brief_: eutrophic periphyton (archaic, NonCalcareous, generalized, ALGae) Net Primary Production gains

Definition at line 244 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* NC_ALG_NUT_CF

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: eutrophic periphyton (archaic, NonCalcareous, generalized, ALGae) growth Control Function (0-1) of degree of NUTrient limitation

Definition at line 245 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* NC_ALG_P

_Units_: gP/m^2; _Brief_: eutrophic periphyton (archaic, NonCalcareous, generalized, ALGae) phosphorus biomass

Definition at line 246 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn2(), cell_dyn4(), and init_eqns().

double* NC_ALG_PC

_Units_: gP/gC; _Brief_: eutrophic periphyton (archaic, NonCalcareous, generalized, ALGae) Phosphorus to Carbon concentration

Definition at line 247 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), and init_eqns().

float* NC_ALG_PCrep

_Units_: mgP/kgC; _Brief_: eutrophic periphyton (archaic, NonCalcareous, generalized, ALGae) Phosphorus to Carbon concentration (units converted for reporting purposes)

Definition at line 248 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), and CellAvg().

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: eutrophic periphyton (archaic, NonCalcareous, generalized, ALGae) growth Control Function (0-1) of degree of combined limitations on PRODuction

Definition at line 249 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* NC_ALG_RESP

_Units_: gC/m2/d; _Brief_: eutrophic periphyton (archaic, NonCalcareous, generalized, ALGae) RESPiration losses

Definition at line 250 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: gC/m2/d; _Brief_: eutrophic periphyton (archaic, NonCalcareous, generalized, ALGae) RESPiration POTential losses

Definition at line 251 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn2(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: kgP/d; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus UPTAKe from SurFace WaTer due to periphyton primary production

Definition at line 252 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn2(), CellAvg(), and gen_output().

double* TP_Act_to_Tot

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus concentration in the upper Active DOM zone relative to average concentration the Total soil/sediment zone down to base_datum; PLACEHOLDER for dynamic variable

Definition at line 260 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn9(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: TP_Act_to_Tot recast as floating point, for reporting only (was used when variables of type double were not output)

Definition at line 261 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn4(), and gen_output().

float* TP_DNFLOW

_Units_: kgP/d; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus DowNFLOW loss from surface water TP storage to saturated water TP storage via advection and diffusion

Definition at line 262 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn9(), and gen_output().


_Units_: kgP/d; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus DowNFLOW POTential loss from surface water TP storage to saturated water TP storage via advection and diffusion

Definition at line 263 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn9(), and gen_output().

float* TP_Atm_Depos

_Units_: kgP/d; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus gained from atmospheric deposition (via either a rainfall TP concentration, or spatially constant total deposition, according to user input to GlobalParms)

Definition at line 264 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn13(), cell_dyn9(), and gen_output().

float* TP_K

_Units_: mgP/L; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus K value calculated for Freundlich sorption eqn

Definition at line 265 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn9(), and gen_output().

double* TP_SED_CONC

_Units_: kgP/m^3; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus CONCentration in entire SEDiment/soil water volume

Definition at line 266 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn8(), cell_dyn9(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

double* TP_SED_WT

_Units_: kgP; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus stored in entire SEDiment/soil WaTer volume

Definition at line 267 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn8(), cell_dyn9(), gen_output(), horizFlow(), and init_eqns().

double* TP_SED_WT_AZ

_Units_: kgP; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus stored in Active Zone of SEDiment/soil WaTer volume

Definition at line 268 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn8(), cell_dyn9(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: kgP/m^3; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus CONCentration in ACTive SEDiment/soil WaTer volume

Definition at line 269 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn8(), cell_dyn9(), gen_output(), init_dynam_data(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: mgP/L; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus CONCentration in ACTive SEDiment/soil WaTer volume

Definition at line 270 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRstats_sum(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn8(), cell_dyn9(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* TP_settl

_Units_: kgP/d; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus settled (deposited) out of storage in surface water (same varName used, but Everglades Water Quality Model module calc'd differently from ELM phosphorus module)

Definition at line 271 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn13(), cell_dyn9(), CellAvg(), and gen_output().

double* TP_SF_WT

_Units_: kgP; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus stored in SurFace WaTer volume

Definition at line 273 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn13(), cell_dyn2(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn9(), gen_output(), horizFlow(), and init_eqns().

double* TP_SFWT_CONC

_Units_: kgP/m^3; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus CONCentration in SurFace WaTer volume

Definition at line 274 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn13(), cell_dyn2(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn9(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: mgP/L; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus CONCentration in SurFace WaTer volume

Definition at line 275 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRstats_sum(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn13(), cell_dyn2(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn9(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

double* TP_SORB

_Units_: kgP; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus storage that is SORBed to sediment/soils

Definition at line 276 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn9(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* TP_SORB_POT

_Units_: kgP/d; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus POTential flux of adSORBtion to (positive) or deSORBtion from (negative) sediment/soils (Output Note: the negative values in this flux variable do not show in map output)

Definition at line 277 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn9(), and gen_output().


_Units_: gP/kg_soil; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus CONCentration SORBed to (organic and inorganic) soil mass (note units of gP/kg_soil)

Definition at line 278 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn9(), and gen_output().

_Units_: mgP/kg_soil; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus CONCentration SORBed to (organic and inorganic) soil mass (reporting purposes only)

Definition at line 279 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn9(), CellAvg(), and gen_output().


_Units_: kgP/d; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus flux of adSORBTION to (positive) or deSORBTION from (negative) sediment/soils Output Note: the negative values in this flux variable do not show in map output)

Definition at line 280 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn9(), and gen_output().

float* TP_UPFLOW

_Units_: kgP/d; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus UPFLOW gain to surface water TP storage from saturated water TP storage via diffusion (advection handled separately in Fluxes.c)

Definition at line 281 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn9(), and gen_output().


_Units_: kgP/d; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus UPFLOW POTential gain to surface water TP storage from saturated water TP storage via diffusion (advection handled separately in Fluxes.c)

Definition at line 282 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn9(), and gen_output().

float* TP_AtmosDepos

_Units_: kgP/d; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus, Atmospheric Deposition rate (input map, NOT linked to rainfall)

Definition at line 285 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn13(), cell_dyn9(), init_dynam_data(), and init_eqns().

double* SAL_SED_WT

_Units_: kgSalt/m^3; _Brief_: SALinity in SEDiment/soil WaTer storage (can be any conservative solute w/ consistent units - salt/tracer does not affect any other calculation in v2.2)

Definition at line 292 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn10(), cell_dyn8(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* SAL_SF_WT

_Units_: kgSalt/m^3; _Brief_: SALinity in SurFace WaTer storage when ponded depth is sufficiently non-trivial (can be any conservative solute w/ consistent units - salt/tracer does not affect any other calculation in v2.2)

Definition at line 293 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRstats_sum(), cell_dyn1(), cell_dyn10(), cell_dyn8(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

double* SAL_SF_WT_mb

_Units_: kgSalt/m^3; _Brief_: SALinity in SurFace WaTer storage when ponded depth is non-zero (can be any conservative solute w/ consistent units - salt/tracer does not affect any other calculation in v2.2)

Definition at line 294 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), and cell_dyn10().

_Units_: kgSalt/d; _Brief_: SALT FLOW from SEDiment/soil water storage TO SurFace water storage via diffusion (advection handled separately in Fluxes.c)

Definition at line 295 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn10(), and gen_output().

double* SALT_SED_WT

_Units_: kgSalt; _Brief_: SALT mass in SEDiment/soil WaTer storage (can be any conservative solute w/ consistent units - salt/tracer does not affect any other calculation in v2.2)

Definition at line 297 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn10(), gen_output(), horizFlow(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: kgSalt/d; _Brief_: SALT DOWNFLow from SurFace WATer storage to sediment/soil water storage via diffusion and advection

Definition at line 298 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn10(), and gen_output().

_Units_: kgSalt/d; _Brief_: SALT DOWNFLow POTential from SurFace WATer storage to sediment/soil water storage via diffusion and advection

Definition at line 299 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn10(), and gen_output().

double* SALT_SURF_WT

_Units_: kgSalt; _Brief_: SALT mass in SURFace WaTer storage (can be any conservative solute w/ consistent units - salt/tracer does not affect any other calculation in v2.2)

Definition at line 300 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn10(), gen_output(), horizFlow(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: kgSalt/d; _Brief_: SALT gained from atmospheric deposition (via either a rainfall TP concentration, or spatially constant total deposition, according to user input to GlobalParms)

Definition at line 301 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn10(), and gen_output().

_Units_: kgSalt/d; _Brief_: Salt, Atmospheric Deposition rate (input map, NOT linked to rainfall)

Definition at line 302 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by cell_dyn10().


_Units_: kgOM/m^2; _Brief_: DEPOSited ORGanic MATter (better name is accreted organic matter, AOM) mass in upper soil zone (not including floc layer)

Definition at line 306 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn9(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: kgOM/m^2/d; _Brief_: Deposited Organic Matter DECOMPosition losses

Definition at line 307 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn4(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: kgOM/m^2/d; _Brief_: Deposited Organic Matter DECOMPosition POTential losses

Definition at line 308 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn4(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* DOM_FR_FLOC

_Units_: kgOM/m^2/d; _Brief_: Deposited Organic Matter gained FRom FLOCculent organic matter deposition

Definition at line 309 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn4(), and gen_output().

float* DOM_fr_nphBio

_Units_: kgOM/m^2/d; _Brief_: Deposited Organic Matter gained from mortality of non-photosynthetic Biomass of macrophytes

Definition at line 310 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), and cell_dyn4().

double* DOM_P_OM

_Units_: kgP/kgOM; _Brief_: Deposited Organic Matter Phoshorus concentration (relative to Organic Matter)

Definition at line 311 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn4(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: Deposited Organic Matter Control Function of degree of limitation by surrounding nutrient availability, i.e., QUALITY

Definition at line 312 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn4(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: m; _Brief_: Deposited Organic Matter SEDiment/soil AEROBic profile depth (Z) (incl. pore space)

Definition at line 313 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn4(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

_Units_: m; _Brief_: Deposited Organic Matter SEDiment/soil ANAEROBic profile depth (Z) (incl. pore space)

Definition at line 314 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn4(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* DOM_TEMP_CF

_Units_: dimless; _Brief_: Deposited Organic Matter Control Function of degree of TEMPerature limitation

Definition at line 315 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn12(), cell_dyn4(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* DOM_Z

_Units_: m; _Brief_: Deposited Organic Matter mass in upper soil zone converted to depth (Z) (organic component only, accounting for bulk density)

Definition at line 316 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn4(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

double* DOP

_Units_: kgP/m^2; _Brief_: Deposited Organic Phosphorus (better name is accreted organic phosphorus AOP) mass in upper soil zone (not including floc layer, sorbed P, nor water P storage)

Definition at line 317 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn4(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().


_Units_: kgP/m^2/d; _Brief_: Deposited Organic Phosphorus DECOMPosition losses

Definition at line 318 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), cell_dyn4(), gen_output(), and init_eqns().

float* DOP_FLOC

_Units_: kgP/m^2/d; _Brief_: Deposited Organic Phosphorus added from FLOC deposition

Definition at line 319 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), and cell_dyn4().

float* DOP_nphBio

_Units_: kgP/m^2/d; _Brief_: Deposited Organic Phosphorus added from nonphotosynthetic Biomass mortality

Definition at line 320 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRbudg_sum(), and cell_dyn4().

float* P_SUM_CELL

_Units_: gP/m^2; _Brief_: SUM of all (biotic/abiotic) storages of Phosphorus (in CELLs) (for reporting only, thus units converted to gP/m^2)

Definition at line 321 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn4(), and gen_output().

float* SED_ELEV

_Units_: m; _Brief_: Dynamic land surface ELEVation, relative to model base datum, which is the GP_DATUM_DISTANCE depth below the zero of the vertical datum used in land elevation surveys (NGVD29 or NAVD88)

Definition at line 322 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRstats_sum(), cell_dyn1(), cell_dyn4(), cell_dyn7(), CellAvg(), gen_output(), horizFlow(), init_canals(), and init_eqns().

float* TPtoSOIL

_Units_: kgP/kg_soil; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus concentration in SOIL mass

Definition at line 325 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn1(), cell_dyn4(), init_dynam_data(), and init_eqns().

float* TPtoSOIL_rep

_Units_: mgP/kg_soil; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus concentration in SOIL mass (reporting purposes only)

Definition at line 326 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), BIRstats_sum(), cell_dyn4(), CellAvg(), and gen_output().

float* TPtoVOL

_Units_: kgP/m^3_soil; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus concentration in soil VOLume

Definition at line 327 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), and cell_dyn4().

float* TPtoVOL_rep

_Units_: ug/cm^3; _Brief_: Total Phosphorus concentration in soil VOLume (reporting purposes only)

Definition at line 328 of file unitmod_vars.h.

Referenced by alloc_memory(), cell_dyn4(), and CellAvg().

Generated on Sat Jan 7 14:04:50 2012 for ELM source code by  doxygen 1.5.6