Ecological Landscape Modeling: Models Pages

File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
BudgStats.c [code]Budget and statistical summaries of model variables
budgstats.h [code]Header file for calculations of Basin/Indicator-Region budgets, and other statistical summaries
budgstats_birvars.h [code]Header file for Basin/Indicator Region summary variables
budgstats_statvars.h [code]Header file for spatial map statistical summary variables
Driver_Utilities.c [code]Most Input/Output utility & related functions
driver_utilities.h [code]Header file for Driver Utilities
evap.h [code]Header file for acquiring potential ET grid_io data
evap_inp.c [code]Establish linkage between two grids, map potential ET input data
Fluxes.c [code]Dynamic equations: Horizontal solutions of spatial raster fluxes
fluxes.h [code]Header file for the horizontal raster flux calculations
Generic_Driver.c [code]The main model-driving functions. Vroom vroom
generic_driver.h [code]Header file for Generic Driver
globals.h [code]Header file for global data/functions
grid_io.c [code]Read and write grid data for the SFWMD's SFWMM (ELM boundary conditions)
grid_io.h [code]Header file for grid_io utility functions
gridmap.c [code]Re-map data from one grid resolution to that needed in ELM
gridmap.h [code]Header file for re-mapping grid data among grid scales
multi_run.h [code]Header file for multiple simulation runs per program execution
MultiRun.c [code]Multiple simulation runs per program execution
rain.h [code]Header file for acquiring rainfall grid_io data
rain_inp.c [code]Establish linkage between two grids, map rainfall input data
Serial.c [code]Utilities that can be different between serial & parallel codes
serial.h [code]Header file for Serial (non-parallel) utilities
stage.h [code]Header file for acquiring water depth (misnamed stage) grid_io data
stage_inp.c [code]Establish linkage between two grids, map surface water depth (misnamed stage) input data
Success.c [code]Dynamic equations: Vertical solutions of spatial habitat-type succession
success.h [code]Header file for habitat succession
UnitMod.c [code]Dynamic equations: Vertical solutions of the General Ecosystem Model (unit model)
unitmod.h [code]Header file for the ecological Unit Model
unitmod_globparms.h [code]Header file for global parameters for the ecological Unit Model
unitmod_habparms.h [code]Header file for habitat-specific parameters for the ecological Unit Model
unitmod_vars.h [code]Header file for global spatial variables for the ecological Unit Model
WatMgmt.c [code]Dynamic equations: Horizontal solutions of spatial raster/vector water management in canal network
watmgmt.h [code]Header file for the Water Managment calculations

Generated on Sat Jan 7 14:04:58 2012 for ELM source code by  doxygen 1.5.6