Ecological Landscape Modeling: Models Pages


Go to the documentation of this file.
00017 /* The Open Source ELM uses the Spatial Modeling Environment (SME) code developed by Tom Maxwell - see the ELM web site for latest contact information.
00018    General notes on revisions to this source file. 
00019        Nov/Dec 2004 v2.3.2: documentation upgrade 
00020                 - Re-organized (incl. header), clarified scopes, Doxygen tags added 
00021                 - Functionality same as v2.1/v2.2 
00022                         a) Moved handful of model parameter inputs to GlobalParms (read in from UnitMod.c) 
00023                         b) Corrected simulation real-time clocking 
00024        Jan 2005 v2.4.0: multi-run capability 
00025        Jul 2006 ELM code and data application release, v2.5.2 (no change to Generic_Driver.c since v2.4.0)
00026        Oct 2006 v2.6.0 - increased functionality for boundary conditions
00027              - added PTSL_test() and call to (new) PtInterp_read() for PTSL functionality (on-the-fly interpolations of meteorological data)
00028              - added ModExperim_test() (for special research model parameters if needed)
00029        Mar 2008 v2.8.2 - added feature to replace all ELM hydrologic calcs
00030                         substituting the Boundary Condition Model's "stage_minus_landElevation" variable into ELM hydro variables.
00032 */
00054 #include "generic_driver.h"
00065 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
00066 {
00081     int i;
00082     int runSeq;
00083     int RunNum;
00084     int totRuns;
00085     int NumSRunsPerSet = 2; /* TODO: for now its always 2 (a low and a high value of parm(s)... code not set up for diff value, though */
00086     int SParmNum=0; 
00087     int parmID;
00089     ViewParm  *view;
00090     dynERRORnum = 0;
00091     time_t begin_sim, end_sim;
00092     struct tm *local_begin_time; /* struct holding real-time calendar time from standard time.h */
00094     /* a couple of items that use the standard time.h to clock the simulation runtime*/
00095     begin_sim = time(NULL); 
00096     local_begin_time = localtime(&begin_sim);
00098     local_setup(argc, argv); /* not much here for serial implementation; establish processor attributes (parallel)*/
00099     setup();    
00100     alloc_memory(); 
00102     isPTSL = PTSL_test(); /* v2.6 test for presence of data file (isPTSL=true) indicating use of on-the-fly interpolaters 
00103                                                 for point time series meteorological data, instead of SFWMM gridIO spatial time series data */
00105     isModExperim = ModExperim_test(); /* v2.6 test for presence of data file (isModExperim=true) indicating use of 
00106                                                                         special parameters used in model experiments (not used for normal applications) */
00109     if (isPTSL) PtInterp_read(); /* v2.6 PTSL TODO: ensure this is compatible with sensi analysis within this sequence (does it use the correct data-interpolations?) */
00111     read_model_parameters( ProgExec->S_ParmName, ProgExec->S_ParmRelVal );
00113     if (SensiOn) SParmNum = SensiParm_list(ProgExec->S_ParmName);
00114     RunNum = numRuns(SParmNum, NumSRunsPerSet);
00116     init_static_data(); 
00118     totRuns = RunNum;
00120     /* new simulations can be started within this while ( ) (for sensitivity analyses, Position Analysis, other in future) */
00121     while (RunNum) {
00122       RunNum--; /* decrement the number of complete simulations runs during program execution (pertinent to multiple sensitivity analysis runs) */
00123       runSeq= totRuns - RunNum;
00125       sync_processors(); /* parallel only */
00127       open_debug_outFile(runSeq); /* the file Driver1.out (and DriverX.out for X'th subsequent sensitivity run) is opened for writing general messages
00128                                 (warnings, errors, and data depending on debug level) */
00130       if (runSeq == 1) {
00131          usrErr0("Reading output requests...");
00132          view = read_output_parms();  /* reading model.outlist */
00133          usrErr("Done output requests.");
00134       }
00136           if (SensiOn) { 
00137              parmID = (int) (runSeq)/NumSRunsPerSet;
00138          ProgExec = RunList[parmID]; 
00140          if (runSeq > 1) {
00141             ProgExec->S_ParmRelVal = ProgExec->S_ParmRelVal+1 ;
00142             read_model_parameters( ProgExec->S_ParmName, ProgExec->S_ParmRelVal );
00143             reinitBIR(); /* re-init the Basin/Ind. Region datav */
00144          }
00145              sprintf(msgStr,"\nSENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: Run %d of %d, relative-value parm ID= %d in %s set.", 
00146                 runSeq, totRuns, ProgExec->S_ParmRelVal,  ProgExec->S_ParmName ); 
00147              usrErr(msgStr); 
00148              WriteMsg(msgStr,1); 
00150            }
00152       init_dynam_data();
00153       init_eqns();
00154       if (WatMgmtOn) init_canals(runSeq);
00155       if (HabSwitchOn) init_succession();
00157       usrErr0("Calling dynamic ecological modules:\n\t");
00158       for (i=0; i<NSector; i++) {
00159           sprintf(msgStr, "%d, ", iSector[i]);
00160               usrErr0(msgStr);
00161       }
00163        /* v2.8 - added feature to replace all ELM hydrologic calcs, substituting the Boundary Condition Model's
00164                         "stage_minus_landElevation" variable into ELM hydro variables.
00165                         This was done in order to post-process the SFWMM or NSM using the same procedures as ELM 
00166                         The below true/false flag tests for that condition, where user is requesting to only run cell_dyn1 (and stats, case #99) in UnitMod.c */
00167         IsSubstituteModel = ( (NSector == 2) && (iSector[0] == 1) && (iSector[1] == 99) ) ? (1) : (0);
00169       /* for Position Analysis, where the model is re-initialized at a recurring interval */
00170       if(PositAnalOn)  { 
00171           sprintf(msgStr, "\n\t***running %2d/%2d Position Analysis*** ",mo_R_in,da_R_in); 
00172               usrErr0(msgStr);
00173       }
00175           /*  ESP (Everglades Settling-of Phosphorus, i.e., EWQModel emulation) mode.  */
00176       if (ESPmodeON)  usrErr0("\n\t***running ESP*** ");
00178       if (WatMgmtOn)  usrErr0("\n\twith spatial water managment 'on' ");
00179       else usrErr0("\n\twith spatial water managment 'off' ");
00181       if (HabSwitchOn)  usrErr("and succession 'on'.");
00182       else usrErr("and succession 'off'.");
00184       sprintf(msgStr,"\n*** Running simulation from %d/%d/%d to %d/%d/%d ***",
00185              yr_in,mo_in,da_in, yr_end,mo_end,da_end ); 
00186       usrErr(msgStr);
00188                 /***************/
00189                 /* temporal loop for driving model */
00190       for(istep=0; istep<N_iter; istep++) {
00192         track_time(istep);
00194         /* when testing/debugging new code/data, allow critical ERRORs to accumulate to aid in identifying problem - then get out.
00195                 This exit is particularly important with new users, who may configure data sets improperly, resulting in a model
00196                 that runs merrily along, but accumulates a massive DriverX.out (for X'th simulation run) file w/ errors (exceeding file size limit of OS) */
00197         if (dynERRORnum > 500) {
00198                 sprintf(msgStr,"\n\n***Sorry! Exiting because of many (%d) ERROR and/or capacityERR messages.\n***See the %s/%s/Debug/DriverX.out (for X'th simulation run) file to determine how to fix things.",dynERRORnum, OutputPath, ProjName);
00199                 usrErr(msgStr);
00200                 exit(-1);
00201                 }
00203         if (PositAnalOn)  { /* for Position Analysis, where the model is re-initialized at a recurring interval */
00204           if ( ([0] == mo_R_in) && (SimTime.da[0] == da_R_in) ) {
00205             usrErr0("\nPOSITION ANALYSIS: Re-initializing...");
00206             init_dynam_data(); 
00207             init_eqns(); 
00208             reinitCanals();
00209             reinitBIR(); /* missing init_succession */
00210             usrErr("Done re-initializing.");
00211           }
00212         }    
00213         if(debug >3) { /* long console output at this high debug level */
00214             sprintf(msgStr,"---------------------------------------Iteration = %d\n",istep);
00215             WriteMsg(msgStr,1); usrErr(msgStr); 
00216         }
00217         else
00218           {  /* print the year/month/day to console - this will be appended with horizontal iteration info later */
00219             sprintf(msgStr,"\r%d/%2d/%2d:   ",SimTime.yr[0],[0],SimTime.da[0] ); 
00220                   usrErr0(msgStr); /* calendar date */
00221         }
00223         /* call dynamic calculations */
00224         for(i=0; i<NSector; i++) { /* for each dynamic ecological (including hydrology) sector(module) */
00226           if(debug >3) { /* long console output at this high debug level */
00227               sprintf(msgStr,"Running cell dyn %d of %d\n",iSector[i],NSector); 
00228               WriteMsg(msgStr,1); 
00229               usrErr(msgStr); 
00230           }
00231           call_cell_dyn(iSector[i],istep); /* invoke the UnitMod.c calling function for dynamic ecological modules */
00232         }
00234         /* generate output (incl. point time series) */
00235         if((istep >= 0 && istep <= N_iter) ) {
00236             if(debug >3) { /* long console output at this high debug level */
00237               usrErr(""); /* carriage return following hydstep iterations */
00238               sprintf(msgStr,"(%d)Generating Output",procnum); WriteMsg(msgStr,1); usrErr(msgStr); 
00239             }
00240           gen_output(istep, view);  /* the generates all spatial output */
00241         }
00243         /* send point time series output to disk at this interval */
00244         if ( FMOD(SimTime.TIME, 180.0) == 0 ) { 
00245                 if (istep == 0) open_point_lists(pSeries,MAX_PTSERIES);  /* at start of sim, open point timeseries files */
00246                     send_point_lists2(pSeries,MAX_PTSERIES); 
00247         }
00248       }  /* end of temporal loop for driving model */
00249                 /***************/
00251                 /* send the remaining time accumulated of point time series output to disk at end of simulation */
00252       send_point_lists2(pSeries,MAX_PTSERIES); 
00254       end_sim = time(NULL);
00255       /* print the simulation start date:time, and the elapsed cpu time, to DriverX.out (for X'th simulation run) file (& elapsed to console) */
00256       sprintf(msgStr,"########\nThe simulation(s) started on: %s", asctime(local_begin_time) ); WriteMsg(msgStr,1);
00257       sprintf(msgStr,"\nEND.  The simulation(s) took %8.3f minutes to run using your %s OS box.\n########",( (end_sim-begin_sim)/60.0), OS_TYPE );  WriteMsg(msgStr,1); usrErr(msgStr);
00259     } /* end of the while (RunNum) and thus end of simulation(s) (plural if running sensitivity) */
00261 return 0;
00262 } /* end of main and thus program execution */
00264 /*****************************************************************************/
00269 void setup()
00270 {
00271   int i;
00272   for(i=0; i<MAX_PTSERIES; i++)  pSeries[i].data = NULL; /* initialize Point Time Series arrays */
00273   setup_platform(); /* effectively unused in serial (non-parallel) implementation */
00274   set_env_vars();   /* get necessary enviroment variables */ 
00275   get_parmf();      /* get the run-time parameters  */ 
00276   get_map_dims();   /* get the row-column dimensions of the global model array size */
00277   setup_grid();     /* set up a grid size used in memory allocations (other stuff for parallel) */
00278 }
00280 /****************************************************************************/
00288 void get_parmf () 
00289 {
00300     int i=0, stop=0;
00301     unsigned char ch;
00302     FILE *infile;
00303     char filename[120], ss[120]; 
00304         char Re_initDateRead[15], endDateRead[15]; 
00305         int SParmNum_TEMP = 150; /* TODO: will get this from reading the senitivity-parameter list */
00307     sprintf(filename,"%s/%s/RunParms/Driver.parm",ModelPath,ProjName);
00308     infile = fopen(filename,"r");
00309     if(infile==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error, can't open file %s",filename); exit(0); }
00312     fgets(ss,120,infile);
00313     sscanf(ss,"%s",outpath);    
00314     OutputPath = (char*)&outpath; /* path for all output */
00315     open_debug_outFile(0); /* opens the Driver0.out debug file */
00317     /* start date  */
00318     fgets(ss,120,infile);
00319     sscanf(ss,"%s",initDateRead); /* read in as yyyy/mm/dd format */
00321     sprintf(msgStr,"initDateRead=%s\n",initDateRead); WriteMsg(msgStr,1); 
00322     sscanf(initDateRead, "%4d/%2d/%2d,",&yr_in,&mo_in,&da_in); /* starting date of sim */
00324     /* julian day, returns a double (args = month, day, year, hour, minute, second) */
00325     Jdate_init = julday(mo_in, da_in, yr_in, hr_in, mi_in, se_in); 
00328      /* end date  */
00329     fgets(ss,120,infile);
00330     sscanf(ss,"%s",endDateRead); /* read in as yyyy/mm/dd format */
00332     sprintf(msgStr,"endDateRead=%s\n",endDateRead); WriteMsg(msgStr,1); 
00333     sscanf(endDateRead, "%4d/%2d/%2d,",&yr_end,&mo_end,&da_end); /* ending date of sim */
00335         /* julian day, returns a double (args = month, day, year, hour, minute, second) */
00336     Jdate_end = julday(mo_end, da_end, yr_end, hr_in, mi_in, se_in); 
00338     /* re-initialization date  */
00339     fgets(ss,120,infile);
00340     sscanf(ss,"%s",Re_initDateRead); /* read in as mm/dd format */
00342     sprintf(msgStr,"Re_initDateRead=%s\n",Re_initDateRead); WriteMsg(msgStr,1); 
00343     sscanf(Re_initDateRead, "%2d/%2d,",&mo_R_in,&da_R_in); /* re-initialize month/day */
00345     if (mo_R_in>0) {
00346         PositAnalOn=True;   /* in position analysis mode, we re-initialize every year on same month/day */
00347         sprintf(msgStr,"\n *** WARNING: Position Analysis capabilities are NOT VERIFIED FOR accuracy/consistency in ELMv2.3 - the Avg's, Basin/Indicator-Region output may not be reliable ***\n"); 
00348         WriteMsg(msgStr,1); 
00349         usrErr(msgStr); 
00350         }       /* TODO: fix the budget/stats re-inits for Position Analysis mode */ 
00352     fgets(ss,120,infile);
00353     sscanf(ss,"%s",modelName);    
00354     sprintf(msgStr, "Model Name= %s", modelName); usrErr(msgStr); WriteMsg(msgStr,1);
00355     getString(infile,"Model version=",modelVers); /* model version number (eg., v.2.1) */
00356     sprintf(msgStr,"Model version=%s\n",modelVers); WriteMsg(msgStr,1);  
00358     getFloat(infile,"CellArea=",&CELL_SIZE);
00359     sprintf(msgStr,"CellArea=%f\n",CELL_SIZE); WriteMsg(msgStr,1); 
00360     celWid = sqrt(CELL_SIZE); /* cell width, used in number of hydro calcs */
00361     sq_celWid = sqrt(celWid); /* square root of cell width, used in number of hydro calcs */
00364     getFloat(infile,"budg_Intvl=",&budg_Intvl);
00365     sprintf(msgStr,"budg_Intvl=%f\n",budg_Intvl); WriteMsg(msgStr,1); 
00366     budgCalendar = ( budg_Intvl == 0.0 ) ? (True) : (False); /* true/false flag signifying use of gregorian calendar for budget calcs
00367                                                                                 a budg_Intvl of 0 days defaults to gregorian calendar-month
00368                                                                                 intervals ( = #days/month, diff among months/years) 
00369                                                                                 In this case, the true/false budgCalendar flag is set to True */
00371     getFloat(infile,"BIRhyd_avg_Intvl=",&BIRhyd_avg_Intvl);
00372     sprintf(msgStr,"BIRhyd_avg_Intvl=%f\n",BIRhyd_avg_Intvl); WriteMsg(msgStr,1); 
00373     BIRhydCalendar = ( BIRhyd_avg_Intvl == 0.0 ) ? (True) : (False); /* true/false flag signifying use of gregorian calendar for BIR hydro calcs
00374                                                                                 a BIRhyd_avg_Intvl of 0 days defaults to gregorian calendar-month
00375                                                                                 intervals ( = #days/month, diff among months/years) 
00376                                                                                 In this case, the true/false budgCalendar flag is set to True */
00378     getFloat(infile,"avg_Intvl=",&avg_Intvl);
00379     sprintf(msgStr,"avg_Intvl=%f\n",avg_Intvl); WriteMsg(msgStr,1); 
00380     if ( avg_Intvl == 0 ) avgCalendar = True; /* true/false flag signifying use of gregorian calendar for recurring averaging calcs
00381                                                                                 an avg_Intvl of 0 days defaults to gregorian calendar-month
00382                                                                                 intervals ( = #days/month, diff among months/years) 
00383                                                                                 In this case, the true/false avgCalendar flag is set to True */
00385     getFloat(infile,"can_Intvl=",&can_Intvl);
00386     sprintf(msgStr,"can_Intvl=%f\n",can_Intvl); WriteMsg(msgStr,1); 
00387     if ( can_Intvl == 0 ) canalCalendar = True; /* true/false flag signifying use of gregorian calendar for recurring canal (watmanage) calcs
00388                                                                                 a can_Intvl of 0 days defaults to gregorian calendar-month
00389                                                                                 intervals ( = #days/month, diff among months/years) 
00390                                                                                 In this case, the true/false can_Intvl flag is set to True */
00392     getInt(infile,"seed=",&seed);
00393     sprintf(msgStr,"seed=%d\n",seed); WriteMsg(msgStr,1);  
00394     getFloat(infile,"dt=",&dt);
00395     sprintf(msgStr,"dt=%f\n",(double)dt); WriteMsg(msgStr,1);  
00396     getInt(infile,"hyd_iter=",&hyd_iter); 
00397     sprintf(msgStr,"hyd_iter=%d\n",hyd_iter); WriteMsg(msgStr,1); 
00399     sfstep = dt/hyd_iter;     /* time step for cell-cell overland flows */
00400     gwstep = dt/(hyd_iter/2); /* time step for cell-cell ground water flows (twice as long as surface water)*/
00401     canstep = dt/hyd_iter;             /* time step for canal flows */
00402     step_Cell = sq_celWid * sfstep/CELL_SIZE * sec_per_day; /* constant used in horizontal surface water raster flux equations */
00404     N_iter= (Jdate_end - Jdate_init + 1)/dt;
00405         sprintf(msgStr,"N_iter=%d\n",N_iter); WriteMsg(msgStr,1); 
00406     PORnumday = (int)(Jdate_end - Jdate_init + 1);   /* number of days of simulation Period Of Record */
00408     getInt(infile,"debug=",&debug);
00409     sprintf(msgStr,"debug=%d\n",debug); WriteMsg(msgStr,1);  
00410     getInt(infile,"debug_point=",&dbgPt.x);
00411     getInt(infile,NULL,&dbgPt.y);
00412     sprintf(msgStr,"debug point= (%d,%d)\n",dbgPt.x,dbgPt.y); WriteMsg(msgStr,1);  
00414         alloc_mem_runs(SParmNum_TEMP);
00415         RunList[0] = ProgExec; /* nominal parameter set */
00417     getString(infile,"S_ParmName=",ProgExec->S_ParmName); /* value can be: 
00418                                         1) "NONE", for no sensitivity analysis (nominal parameter set);
00419                                         2) the name of a global or habitat-specific parameter for a single-parm sensitivity analysis; 
00420                                         3) "ALL", leading to multi-parameter sensitivity analyses on 
00421                                            all parameters, to be read from an input list */
00422     sprintf(msgStr,"S_ParmName=%s\n",ProgExec->S_ParmName); WriteMsg(msgStr,1); 
00424     SensiOn = (strcmp(ProgExec->S_ParmName,"NONE")!=0) ? (True) : (False);
00425     ProgExec->S_ParmRelVal = 0; /* first run of program is ALWAYS the nominal (no parameter-changes) run */
00427         getInt(infile,"HabSwitchOn=",&HabSwitchOn); /* flag to turn on habitat switching */
00428     sprintf(msgStr,"HabSwitchOn=%d\n",HabSwitchOn); WriteMsg(msgStr,1); 
00429     getInt(infile,"WatMgmtOn=",&WatMgmtOn); /* flag to turn on canal/water management */
00430     sprintf(msgStr,"WatMgmtOn=%d\n",WatMgmtOn); WriteMsg(msgStr,1); 
00432     getString(infile,"Scenario=",SimAlt); /* simulation's scenario/alternative */
00433     sprintf(msgStr,"SimAlt=%s\n",SimAlt); WriteMsg(msgStr,1);  
00434     getString(infile,"Scenario modifier=",SimModif); /* simulation's scenario/alternative & modifier */
00435     sprintf(msgStr,"SimModif=%s\n",SimModif); WriteMsg(msgStr,1); 
00437         scan_forward(infile,"Sectors="); i=0; stop=0;
00438         while(1) {
00439             skip_white(infile);
00440             ch=fgetc(infile);
00441             if( isdigit(ch) ) ungetc(ch,infile);
00442             else {
00443                 switch (ch) {
00444                     case ';':  NSector = i; stop=1; break;
00445                     case ',':  skip_white(infile); break;
00446                 }
00447             }
00448             if(stop) break;
00449             else fscanf(infile,"%d",&iSector[i++]);
00450                 /* sector 13 is the ESP (Everglades Settling-of Phosphorus, i.e., EWQModel emulation) mode - this sets the ESPmodeON flag*/
00451             if (iSector[i-1] == 13) ESPmodeON=1;
00453         }
00454         fclose(infile);  
00455     broadcastInt(&NSector);
00456     sprintf(msgStr,"\n(%d) NSector = %d: Sectors=",procnum,NSector); WriteMsg(msgStr,1); 
00457     for(i=0; i<NSector; i++) {
00458         broadcastInt(&iSector[i]);
00459         sprintf(msgStr,"(%d:%d)",i,iSector[i]); WriteMsg(msgStr,1);  
00460     }
00462     for(i=0; i<MAX_PTSERIES; i++) if(pSeries[i].data) { free((char*)pSeries[i].data);  pSeries[i].data = NULL; }
00463 }
00473 void track_time(int istep)
00474 {
00475     int yr_tom[2];                      /* calendar year of tomorrow's model time */
00476     int mo_tom[2];                              /* calendar month of tomorrow's  model time */
00477     int da_tom[2];                              /* calendar day of tomorrow's  model time */
00478     int hr_tom[2];                              /* calendar hour of tomorrow's  model time (unused in model calcs) */
00479     int mi_tom[2];                              /* calendar minute of tomorrow's  model time (unused in model calcs) */
00480     double se_tom[2];                   /* calendar second of tomorrow's  model time (unused in model calcs) */
00482     SimTime.TIME = istep*dt;
00483     SimTime.Jdate = Jdate_init+SimTime.TIME; /*  increment the julian day counter */
00485         /* use calendar functions to determine the end-of status of today's date */
00486         calcdate( (SimTime.Jdate+1), mo_tom, da_tom, yr_tom, hr_tom, mi_tom, se_tom); /* for TOMORROW, get the calendar date info from the julian date */
00487         calcdate( SimTime.Jdate,, SimTime.da, SimTime.yr,, SimTime.mi,; /* for TODAY, get the calendar date info from the julian date */
00489                 SimTime.IsMonthEnd = ([0] != mo_tom[0] ) ? (True) : (False); /* true/false flag signifying end of a gregorian calendar month */
00490                 SimTime.IsYearEnd =  ( SimTime.yr[0] != yr_tom[0] ) ? (True)  : (False); /* true/false flag signifying end of a gregorian calendar year */
00491                 SimTime.IsWetSeasEnd = (([0] == wetEndMon ) && (SimTime.da[0] == wetEndDay))  ? (True) : (False); /* true/false flag signifying end of a gregorian calendar-based wet season */
00492                 SimTime.IsDrySeasEnd = (([0] == dryEndMon ) && (SimTime.da[0] == dryEndDay))  ? (True) : (False); /* true/false flag signifying end of a gregorian calendar-based dry season */
00493                 SimTime.IsSimulationEnd = ((PORnumday-1)==istep) ? (True) : (False);
00495         /* determine status of budget calc/printing flag (interval based on gregorian calendar or constant julian-day) */
00496         if (!budgCalendar) { 
00497                 if ( fmod(SimTime.TIME, budg_Intvl) ==0) {
00498                 /* not using gregorian calendar: at end of (constant) number of days, model time is end of budget interval */
00499                         SimTime.IsBudgEnd = True; 
00500                 } 
00501                 else { SimTime.IsBudgEnd = False; }
00502         }
00503         else {
00504                 if ( SimTime.IsMonthEnd ) {
00505                 /* using gregorian calendar: at calendar-month's end, model time is end of budget interval */
00506                         SimTime.IsBudgEnd = True; 
00507                         budg_Intvl= (float)SimTime.da[0]; /* dynamic interval becomes number of days in current gregorian-calendar month */
00508                 } 
00509                 else { SimTime.IsBudgEnd = False; }
00510         }
00512         /* v2.8  determine status of BIR hydro calc/printing flag (interval based on gregorian calendar or constant julian-day) */
00513         if (!BIRhydCalendar) { 
00514                 if ( fmod(SimTime.TIME, BIRhyd_avg_Intvl) ==0) {
00515                 /* not using gregorian calendar: at end of (constant) number of days, model time is end of budget interval */
00516                         SimTime.IsBIRhydEnd = True; 
00517                 } 
00518                 else { SimTime.IsBIRhydEnd = False; }
00519         }
00520         else {
00521                 if ( SimTime.IsMonthEnd ) {
00522                 /* using gregorian calendar: at calendar-month's end, model time is end of budget interval */
00523                         SimTime.IsBIRhydEnd = True; 
00524                         BIRhyd_avg_Intvl = (float)SimTime.da[0]; /* dynamic interval becomes number of days in current gregorian-calendar month */
00525                 } 
00526                 else { SimTime.IsBIRhydEnd = False; }
00527         }
00529         /* determine status of cell-specific averages calc/printing flag (interval based on gregorian calendar or constant julian-day) */
00530         if (!avgCalendar) {
00531                 if ( fmod(SimTime.TIME, avg_Intvl) ==0) {
00532                 /* not using gregorian calendar: check for time (day) to finalize and print budgets for current interval */
00533                         avgPrint = True; }
00534                 else { avgPrint = False; }
00535         }
00536         else { 
00537                 if ( SimTime.IsMonthEnd ) {
00538                 /* using gregorian calendar: at month's end, it is time (day) to finalize and print budgets for current interval */
00539                         avgPrint = True;
00540                         avg_Intvl= (float)SimTime.da[0]; /* interval becomes number of days in current gregorian-calendar month */
00541                 }
00542                 else { avgPrint = False; }
00543         }
00545         /* determine status of canal data calc/printing flag (interval based on gregorian calendar or constant julian-day) */
00546         if (!canalCalendar) {
00547                 if ( fmod(SimTime.TIME, can_Intvl) ==0) {
00548                 /* not using gregorian calendar: check for time (day) to finalize and print canal data for current interval */
00549                         canPrint = True; }
00550                 else { canPrint = False; }
00551         }
00552         else { 
00553                 if ( SimTime.IsMonthEnd ) {
00554                 /* using gregorian calendar: at month's end, it is time (day) to finalize and print canal data for current interval */
00555                         canPrint = True;
00556                         can_Intvl= (float)SimTime.da[0]; /* interval becomes number of days in current gregorian-calendar month */
00557                 }
00558                 else { canPrint = False; }
00559         }
00561         SimTime.IsBudgFirst = ( (SimTime.TIME/budg_Intvl) > 1 ) ? (False) : (True);
00562         SimTime.IsDay0 = (SimTime.TIME==0) ? (True) : (False);
00564         /* TODO: this is to be generalized in MultiRun.c */
00565         if (SensiOn) {
00566            BIRavg_Intvl = N_iter - 1;
00567            SimTime.IsBIRavgEnd = ( fmod(SimTime.TIME, BIRavg_Intvl) ==0) ? (True) : (False);
00569            BIRhyd_avg_Intvl = N_iter - 1;
00570            SimTime.IsBIRhydEnd = ( fmod(SimTime.TIME, BIRhyd_avg_Intvl) ==0) ? (True) : (False);
00572            budg_Intvl = N_iter - 1;
00573            SimTime.IsBudgEnd = ( fmod(SimTime.TIME, budg_Intvl) ==0) ? (True) : (False);
00574         }
00575         else {
00576            BIRavg_Intvl = budg_Intvl;
00577            SimTime.IsBIRavgEnd = SimTime.IsBudgEnd;
00578         }
00580 }
00599 int PTSL_test() /* v2.6 PTSL */
00600 {
00601     FILE *testfile;
00602     char filename[120], ss[120]; 
00604     sprintf(filename,"%s/%s/Data/rain.pts",ModelPath,ProjName);
00605     testfile = fopen(filename,"r");
00606     if(testfile==NULL) 
00607         return 0; /* the point data file does not exist, will use gridIO data */
00608     else
00609         { fclose(testfile); return 1; } /* the point data file exists, will use on-the-fly interpolations of point data */
00610 }
00622 int ModExperim_test() /* v2.6  */
00623 {
00624     FILE *testfile;
00625     char filename[120], ss[120]; 
00627     sprintf(filename,"%s/%s/Data/ModExperimParms_NOM",ModelPath,ProjName);
00628     testfile = fopen(filename,"r");
00629     if(testfile==NULL) 
00630         return 0; /* the point data file does not exist, will not use any special parameters */
00631     else
00632         { fclose(testfile); return 1; } /* the model experiment parameter file exists, will use special parameters */
00633 }
00638 /****************************************************************************/

Generated on Sat Jan 7 14:04:15 2012 for ELM source code by  doxygen 1.5.6