Ecological Landscape Modeling: Models Pages


Go to the documentation of this file.
00012 /* General notes on revisions to this source file. 
00013         Jan 2005 v2.3.3: documentation upgrade 
00014                 - Re-organized, clarified scopes, Doxygen tags added 
00015         May 2006 v2.5.1: added edgeMann parameter to struct Chan
00016         Oct 2006 v2.6.0: separated the statements to read time-series data of structure 1) flow, 
00017                         2) TP conc, and 3) TS conc into separate functions, called only if needed
00018         Oct 2007 v2.7.0: accomodated SF_T_VELhoriz_mag
00019         Dec 2007 v2.8.0: re-instituted rule based management, in relatively limited fashion
00020                 - redesigned structure flow code : each raster-vector flow type is now
00021                 a separate function that is called by the Flows_in_Structures function
00022         Mar 2008 v2.8.1: finalize rewrite of rule-based management
00023                 - includes renaming some (C) structures to provide consistency in use of the
00024                 terms "segment" and "reach" (this is unrelated to the rule-based management update)
00026 */
00027 #ifndef WATMGM_H
00028 #define WATMGM_H
00030 #include "globals.h"
00032 #define STEP(x) ( ((x)>=0) ? 1.0 : 0.0 )
00033 #define MAX_H_STRUCT 180        
00035 #define LEFT 1
00036 #define RIGHT -1
00038 #define NONE 0
00039 #define EAST 1
00040 #define SOUTH 2
00041 #define ALL 3
00043 FILE *schedFile;                        
00044 FILE *ChanInFile;                       
00045 FILE *CanalOutFile;             
00046 FILE *CanalOutFile_P;           
00047 FILE *CanalOutFile_S;           
00048 FILE *WstructOutFile;           
00049 FILE *WstructOutFile_P;         
00050 FILE *WstructOutFile_S;         
00051 FILE *canDebugFile;             
00052 FILE *CanalCellInteractDebug; 
00053 FILE *F_struct_wat;                     
00054 FILE *F_struct_TP;                      
00055 FILE *F_struct_TS;                      
00057 int CHo;                                                
00058 int CHANNEL_MAX_ITER;           
00059 int UTM_EOrigin, UTM_NOrigin;   
00060 int printchan = 0;                              
00061 int N_c_iter = 0;               
00062 int num_cell = 0;               
00063 int C_Mark = 0;                 
00065 float C_F;                              
00066 float F_ERROR;                  
00067 float MINDEPTH;                 
00069 int num_chan;                   
00070 int num_struct_hist;    
00071 int numTPser;                   
00072 int numTSser;                   
00073 int disAggNum;                  
00074 int IDhist[MAX_H_STRUCT]; 
00077 float *MCopen;           
00078 char modelFileName[300]; 
00081 struct Chan_segm
00082 {
00083  float x0,y0,x1,y1;                  
00084  struct Chan_segm *next_segm;      
00085 };  
00088 struct Chan                 
00089 {
00090   int number;           
00091   int levee;            
00092   int roil;                     
00093   int roir;                 
00094   float depth;              
00095   float width;              
00096   float cond;               
00097   double N;                     
00098   double P;                     
00099   double S;                     
00100   double N_con;             
00101   double P_con;             
00102   double S_con;             
00103   float wat_depth;          
00105   float ic_N_con;           
00106   float ic_P_con;           
00107   float ic_S_con;           
00108   float ic_depth;           
00109   float edgeMann;           
00111   float length;             
00112   float area;               
00113   float elev_start;         
00114   float elev_end;           
00115   float elev_drop;          
00116   float elev_slope;         
00117   float elev_avg;           
00118   float minVol;             
00119   float seg_len;            
00120   float SW_flow_coef;       
00121   float SPG_flow_coef;      
00122   int   num_of_cells;       
00123   int   basin;              
00124   int parent;               
00125   int family;               
00126   double sumHistOut;        
00127   double sumHistIn;         
00128   double sumRuleOut;        
00129   double sumRuleIn;         
00130   struct Chan_segm *segments;    
00131   struct Cells *cells;           
00132   struct Chan *next_in_list;     
00133 };
00134 struct Chan **Chan_list;
00138 struct Cells                     
00139 {
00140  int x;                          
00141  int y;                          
00142  int ind;                        
00143  float length;                   
00144  float reachElev;                        
00145  float reachDistDown;                    
00146  struct Cells *next_cell;        
00147 };
00148 struct Cells *cell_last;
00149 struct Cells *cell;
00153 struct Structure                
00154 { 
00155  int flag;                      
00156  int histID;                    
00157  int aggID;                     
00158  char S_nam[20];                
00159  int str_cell_i;                        
00160  int str_cell_j;                        
00161  int canal_fr;                  
00162  int canal_to;                  
00163  int cell_i_fr;                 
00164  int cell_j_fr;                 
00165  int cell_i_to;                 
00166  int cell_j_to;                 
00167  float HW_stage;                
00168  float TW_stage;                
00169  struct Schedule *HW_graph;     
00170  struct Schedule *TW_graph;     
00171  int flagTWsched;                               
00172  int flagHWsched;                               
00173  int flagTWtide;                                
00174  int flagHWtide;                                
00175  int cell_i_HW;                 
00176  int cell_j_HW;                 
00177  int cell_i_TW;                 
00178  int cell_j_TW;                 
00179  int cell_HW;                   
00180  int cell_TW;                   
00181  float w_coef;                  
00182  double flow;                   
00183  int TPser;                     
00184  int TNser;                     
00185  int TSser;                     
00186  float TP;                      
00187  float TN;                      
00188  float TS;                      
00189  double conc_P;                 
00190  double conc_N;                 
00191  double conc_S;                 
00192  double SumFlow;                
00193  double Sum_P;                  
00194  double Sum_N;                  
00195  double Sum_S;                  
00196  int multiOut;                  
00197  char SrcDest[10];              
00198  struct Structure *next_in_list; 
00199 };
00200 struct Structure *struct_first;
00201 struct Structure *structs;
00204 struct Schedule
00205 {
00206  char schedName[30];    
00207  int num_point;                  
00208  struct Points *graph_points;
00209 };
00212 struct Points
00213 {
00214  float time;             
00215  float value;            
00216 }; 
00219 struct HistData
00220 {
00221      char S_nam[20];       
00222      float *arrayWat;           
00223      float *arrayP;                     
00224      float *arrayN;                     
00225      float *arrayS;                     
00226      int aggID;            
00227      int aggCnt;           
00228      int flag;                          
00229 };
00230 struct HistData Hist_data[MAX_H_STRUCT]; 
00233 void CanalReInit();
00234 void Canal_Network_Init(float baseDatum, float *elev ); 
00235 void Run_Canal_Network(float *SWH, float *ElevMap, float *MC, 
00236                        float *GWV, float *poros, float *GWcond, 
00237                        double *NA, double *PA, double *SA, 
00238                        double *GNA, double *GPA, double *GSA,
00239                        float *Unsat, float *sp_yield);  
00240 void ReadStructures(char* name, float BASE_DATUM );
00242 void ReadStructFlow_PtSer(char* name); /* v2.6 encoded into separate function here (no functional change) */
00243 void ReadStructTP_PtSer(char* name); /* v2.6 encoded into separate function here (no functional change) */
00244 void ReadStructTS_PtSer(char* name); /* v2.6 encoded into separate function here (no functional change) */
00246 void Channel_configure(float *ElevMap, struct Chan *channel_first );
00247 void getCanalElev (int chan_n);
00248 void FluxChannel(int chan_n, float *SWH, float *ElevMap, float *MC, 
00249                  float *GWH, float *poros, float *GWcond, double *NA, 
00250                  double *PA, double *SA, double *GNA, double *GPA, 
00251                  double *GSA, float *Unsat, float *sp_yield);      
00252 void Flows_in_Structures(float *SWH, float *GW, float *poros, float *Elev,  
00253                          double *NA, double *PA, double *SA ); 
00254 void flowData_CanCan(struct Structure *structs, struct Structure *struct_hist_start, float *SWH,  
00255                          double *NA, double *PA, double *SA ); 
00256 void flowData_CelCel(struct Structure *structs, float *SWH, 
00257                          double *NA, double *PA, double *SA ); 
00258 void flowData_CanCel(struct Structure *structs, struct Structure *struct_hist_start, float *SWH, 
00259                          double *NA, double *PA, double *SA ); 
00260 void flowData_CelCan(struct Structure *structs, float *SWH,  
00261                          double *NA, double *PA, double *SA ); 
00262 void flowCalc_CanCan(struct Structure *structs, float *SWH, float *GW,  
00263                          float *poros, float *Elev, double *NA, double *PA, double *SA ); 
00264 void flowCalc_CelCel(struct Structure *structs, float *SWH, float *Elev, double *NA, double *PA, double *SA ); 
00265 void flowCalc_CanCel(struct Structure *structs, float *SWH, float *GW,  
00266                          float *poros, float *Elev, double *NA, double *PA, double *SA ); 
00267 void flowCalc_CelCan(struct Structure *structs, float *SWH, float *GW,  
00268                          float *poros, float *Elev, double *NA, double *PA, double *SA ); 
00270 float f_Manning(float delta, float SWater, float SW_coef );
00271 float f_Ground(float dh, float height, float GW_coef, float l_Length );
00272 float GetGraph(struct Schedule *graph, float x );
00274 struct Chan *ReadChanStruct(char* filename );
00275 struct Cells *MarkCell(int x, int y, int index, float length, 
00276                        struct Cells *cell, int ch_number, int levee, 
00277                        int xm, int ym, int c_num, int *marked, float distTot );
00278 struct Schedule *Read_schedule(char *sched_name, char *filename, float BASE_DATUM );
00279 int NumScheds=0; /* used just for writing info to console on number of schedules you've read */
00281 int Wrdcmp(char *s, char *t );
00282 float UTM2kmx(double UTM );
00283 float UTM2kmy(double UTM );
00286 /* externs */
00288 /* from driver_utilities.h */
00289 extern char *ModelPath, *OutputPath, *ProjName;
00290 extern char modelName[20], modelVers[10];
00292 extern double julday(int mon, int day, int year, int h, int mi, double se);
00293 extern void init_pvar(VOIDP Map, UCHAR* mask, unsigned char Mtype,float iv);
00294 extern VOIDP nalloc(unsigned mem_size, const char var_name[]);
00295 extern char *Scip(char *s, char SYM );
00296 extern int isInteger(char *target_str);
00297 extern int isFloat(char *target_str); 
00298 extern float FMOD( float x, float y); 
00299 extern int Round(float x);
00301 /* from generic_driver.h */
00302 extern char SimAlt[20], SimModif[20];        
00303 extern double Jdate_init, Jdate_end;  
00304 extern int PORnumday;
00305 extern float can_Intvl;
00306 extern int canPrint;
00308 /* from unitmod.h */
00309 extern unsigned char *HAB;
00310 extern int *basn;
00311 extern float GP_DetentZ, GP_MinCheck, GP_SLRise;
00312 extern float  GP_mannDepthPow, GP_mannHeadPow, GP_calibGWat;
00314 /* from fluxes.h */
00315 extern float Flux_SWcells(int i0,int i1,int j0,int j1,
00316                           float *SWater,float *Elevation,float *MC);
00317 extern void Flux_SWstuff(int i0,int i1,int j0,int j1, float Flux,
00318                          float *SURFACE_WAT, double *STUF1, double *STUF2, double *STUF3, float *SfWat_vel_day);
00320 /* from budgstats.h */
00321 extern int numBasn;
00322 extern basnDef **basn_list;
00323 extern basnDef *basins;
00325 /* from budgstats_birvars.h */
00326 extern double *TOT_VOL_CAN;         /* total canal volume, units = m^3 */
00328 /* basin-based, horiz inputs to canal and cells, units = m^3 */
00329 extern double *VOL_IN_STR, *VOL_IN_OVL, *VOL_IN_SPG, *VOL_IN_GW;
00330 extern double *VOL_OUT_STR, *VOL_OUT_OVL, *VOL_OUT_SPG, *VOL_OUT_GW;
00332 extern double *TOT_P_CAN;          /* total canal P, units = kg */
00334 /* basin-based, horiz inputs to canal and cells, units = kg */
00335 extern double *P_IN_STR, *P_IN_OVL, *P_IN_SPG, *P_IN_GW;
00336 extern double *P_OUT_STR, *P_OUT_OVL, *P_OUT_SPG, *P_OUT_GW;
00338 extern double *TOT_S_CAN;          /* total canal S, units = kg */
00340 /* basin-based, horiz inputs to canal and cells, units = kg */
00341 extern double *S_IN_STR, *S_IN_OVL, *S_IN_SPG, *S_IN_GW;
00342 extern double *S_OUT_STR, *S_OUT_OVL, *S_OUT_SPG, *S_OUT_GW;
00344 #endif /* WATMGM_H */

Generated on Sat Jan 7 14:04:16 2012 for ELM source code by  doxygen 1.5.6